What is a Moth?
Moths typically have two pairs of wings covered in scales with large compound eyes. Their size will vary dramatically pending on the type of moth. Some are very large while others are very small in size. Most indoor infesting moths are smaller than 2 centimeters wingspan and often are shades of gray or brown to reddish brown. Moths go through four stages of life. Two very common moths you will find in your home is the Indian Meal Moth and Webbing Clothes Moth.
With the Indian Meal Moth they usually have a dirty white to off white color with green or pink hues. As an adult they may have a wingspan of about 3/4' when at rest with their wings folded together. A Webbing Clothes Moth have brownish-gray wings with three dark spots. As an adult these moths are about 3/8 - 1/2 long.
Close Up Moths

How Did I Get A Moth In My Home?
Infestation for these moths are different for the two common moths:
Indian Meal Moth infestation starts with food that contains the pest's eggs. They typically lay their eggs in foods such as flours, cereals, grains, grain products, dried fruit, dried food, seeds, powder milk, chocolates, candy and dry pet foods.
Webbing Clothes Moth feed on clothes, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, animal hair, and stored wool. They especially like to feed on soiled materials. Older homes with warped door frames or sidings can likely have infestations of these moths.
How Did I Get A Moth In My Home?
While both common types of moths prefer to be indoors, both have different attractions.
Indian Meal Moth infestation starts with food that contains the pest's eggs. They typically lay their eggs in foods such as flours, cereals, grains, grain products, dried fruit, dried food, seeds, powder milk, chocolates, candy and dry pet foods. While these moths may not carry diseases or parasites it is important to know that they can encourage the growth of mold, leave webbing and feces in pantry foods and change the flavor of foods when infested. Infestations can last a very long time if it is not controlled and prevented.
Webbing Clothes Moth feed on clothes, carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, animal hair, and stored wool. They especially like to feed on soiled materials. Older homes with warped door frames or sidings can likely have infestations of these moths. While these moths may not carry diseases or parasites they do damage clothing and furniture in a home or store.
Inspection & Treatment
Infestation for these moths are different for the two common moths:
Seeing an Indian Meal Moth is a common sign of infestation. As an adult you will find these moths flying in zigzag motion instead of direct flying. These are commonly mistaken as clothing pests. One common difference is that adult Indian meal moths do not feed and are usually resting during the day in dim lit areas of the home as they are nocturnal. The larvae however are surface feeders and cover their food with silken webbing. During the larval and pupal stages you will find them on walls and where the wall and ceiling meet.
Recognizing that you could potentially have Webbing Clothes Moths is the first step in order to eliminate them from your home. It will be tricky to first spot these moths in your home as the signs are not usually apparent. The moment you discover damage on your clothes, furniture, etc is when you will be able to discover your infestation. Some signs that you may have webbing clothes moths may be silky tunnels on wool products which includes clothes, blankets and rugs. Patches of damage to wool rugs, tiny tubes clinging to materials and the crevices of furniture upholstery which means moth larvae create and live inside. Physical appearance of moths when fabric has been removed from storage areas.
Pest2Kill Exterminating Company, will inspect and create a thorough pest control plan to help eliminate these pests. One of the many very successful methods we use is applying pheromone traps and residual sprays. These will specifically help eliminate any adult size moths. We use many effective ways to getting rid of these moths and much more. Call us today to set up a custom plan just for you!

Close Up Moth Larva

Prevention is key when avoiding both Indian Meal Moths and Webbing Clothes Moths in your home. There are a number of different ways to prevent them from entering. Here are some helpful tips to avoid them:​
Indian Meal Moths:
Avoid purchasing large quantities of bulk items that are used slowly. Items stored for over six months can develop serious infestations. ​
Re-package slowly eaten foods into tightly sealed containers. This is important as it can help prevent these moths from entering in.
Frequently clean your kitchen cabinets if any spills occur. Vacuum if any powder food product has spilled.
Never leave dry food including pet food overnight.
Seal any holes seen. Larvae leave food and develop into an adult. It is very important that walls and ceilings in the pantry area are properly checked as they can hide behind appliances, picture frames and even cracks.
Webbing Clothes Moths:
Always wash your clothes after they have been worn for a period of time. Larvae will attract to clothing that is worn as wearing a piece of clothing for a few hours or full day can deposit a layer of oil.
These moths prefer clothing that is stacked on top of each other. Its best to keep clothing placed on a hanger or hook than stacked.
Clothing that is not worn regularly is best kept sealed. This could be a moth-proof container or bag. This will keep them away from damaging your rarely used clothing.
Collecting vintage clothing from a used clothing store can potentially be a risk of bringing home these moths. The same applies for antique rugs and furniture or items purchased at a yard sale. Before wearing or storing in your home it is best to dry clean your clothes. Rugs and furniture can be beaten outside to shake off larvae and then thoroughly clean.
It is very important to vacuum regularly. This will help prevent moths and larvae infesting your home by vacuuming on a regular basis.
Call Pest2Kill Exterminating today to set up a custom plan just for you and help eliminate your moth problem!